Many clinical studies connect insomnia with depression. That makes sense, right? But, did you know that sleep deprivation has been linked to mood elevation? What does this mean? If you’re thinking you’re going to stop people from sleeping so they could feel better, take it from me, you’ll soon find out the mood-elevating effect has its limits. However, the mechanism behind the mood change does point research in a direction that could bring about new therapies. Read more, here.

Read below and find out. How will this affect the choices you make to address your sleep issues?

Alright, this can’t be a surprise and it’s not as if anyone is going to cut out all junk food…however, as we become more aware of these connections we may make better choices during certain times in our lives when wrestling with getting better sleep.

A Harvard researcher is studying the two very interesting questions above. Read about what she learned from fruit flies and mice and what it could mean for people. More research is needed.