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Mute Nasal Dilator

Simple, Comfortable, Effective

Breathe More


78% of users could feel more airflow through their nose

Snore Less


75% of users snored less

Sleep Better


73% of users’ partners reported a reduction in snoring severity

*Mute Snoring Product User Trial, 2014 User Trial N=118 couples. Results may vary. Marketing Moves. ASAP Breatheassist was the financial sponsor for this study.

What is Mute Nasal Dilator?

Think of Mute Nasal Dilator as the first line of defense against snoring and sleep disruption. It’s a simple snoring remedy – a small device made of soft, adjustable polymers that sits comfortably inside your nose, increasing airflow to improve your nasal breathing.

Introducing Mute Mouth Tape NEW

A New Way to Breathe Smarter

What is Mute Mouth Tape?

Mute Mouth Tape is an extra level of defense against mouth breathing, which can lead to snoring. It helps ensure you keep your mouth closed to promote nasal breathing and improve your sleep.

Read about the introduction of Mouth Tape

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Mute Nasal Dilator & Mute Mouth Tape

Great on their own. Better together.

Meet Mute Nasal Dilator

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Breathe better

Meet Mute Mouth Tape

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Breathe smarter

Get started with Mute Nasal Dilator

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How to use Mute Mouth Tape

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Simple and comfortable mouth tape for rest, not restraint

Size Does Matter

New to Mute? Find the perfect fit with our Trial Pack.

Stop Mouth Breathing

Get started with a 30 night supply.

I love these! I have tried many products that promised to get some airflow through my nose and reduce snoring. Nothing has worked as well as these do.

Mike, satisfied Mute Nasal Dilator customer

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