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Different Sleeping Habits From Around The World

Sleep. A necessity for good health and wellbeing, which is undervalued given we spend over a third of our lives in bed! While everyone tries to get the optimum seven to eight hours sleep per night, have you ever thought how your habits compare to others around you, or different cultures around the world? A…

Sleep. A necessity for good health and wellbeing, which is undervalued given we spend over a third of our lives in bed!

While everyone tries to get the optimum seven to eight hours sleep per night, have you ever thought how your habits compare to others around you, or different cultures around the world?

A survey by KJT Group across 10 countries found Australians tend to wake up earliest, with 12% of people rising before 5am during the working week.

This is compared to 16% of Japanese night owls who recorded going to bed past 1am or later during the week, and 25% sleeping into the early afternoon, only to wake up around 1pm on the weekend.


Picture: Philips Source – NewsComAu

Twenty two per cent of UK respondents reported they felt strongly impacted by their bed partner’s poor sleeping habits, such as snoring.

This is supported by a second Omnibus study of UK, US and Australian couples, whereby UK couples report a higher likelihood to throw their spouse out of the bedroom for snoring, compared to couples in the US and Australia.

The nationwide UK Omnibus study also revealed that for 20% of Brits, both partners in the relationship snore.
Americans love their comedy and snoring is a rib tickling subject – 37% of respondents said ‘we laugh about it’ when questioned on the effects of snoring on their relationship. However, this isn’t the case in the UK and Australia, with 10% and 12% respectively finding it no laughing matter.

Overall, no matter where you live in the world, sleeping and sleep habits are something we all have in common and better quality sleep is something we need more of!

Want to learn more about how to get a peaceful night’s sleep? Here are three easy steps to sleep better:

1. Get your bedroom right: Ensuring your bedroom is the right place for a good night’s sleep is vital. Ensuring your bedroom is dark, quiet and the temperature is the right setting is critical. Don’t forget that ventilation is important – nice fresh air is vital.
2. Focus on breathing using your Mute: Once you have your Mute in place, a simple focus on breathing deeply through your nose for three seconds and exhaling through your mouth for five seconds should help to calm your mind. Slow your breathing down and find a nice relaxed steady pace.
3. Relax your body from your toes to your nose: Once you get your breathing into a nice rhythm start relaxing by focusing on your toes. Wriggle your toes and then relax them, then move slowly and steadily up your body, relaxing each part until you reach your nose. Remember, deep steady breathing. In through your nose and then out. Have a good night’s sleep.



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